
I grew up in northern California, and come from a long line of farmers. Most of what I know about gardening I learned from my mother, a skilled horticulturist.  My mother learned gardening from grandfather who grew the most amazing vegetable gardens. By age eight I had a basic understanding of fertilzers and composting. I began making teas to use on my vegetable plots and learned that I too had inherited the family green thumb. It was only natural that when I was fifteen, I began to grow my own marijuana when mother wasn’t looking.

Growing up in northern California in the early 1990’s was a unique experience. Proposition 215 had not yet been written; and the “war on drugs” had hit hard on domestic soil. Things were very different in those days. Growing marijuana was a lifestyle, and made you part of a fringe community. Back then, the stakes were high. Pot growers faced serious prison time for even minor offenses. Standard uniform for pot growers in the 90’s often included full fatigues and a rifle. There were roads that led into the mountains that were not to be traveled. Parents warned their children to stay out of the forest in the fall, and for good reason.

I began to apply all I had learned on the farm to my new endeavors, growing cannabis in the local hills.  Hiking for hours up steep mountains was the norm, and the work was hard. I learned how to tap springs and buried miles of water pipe. Set backs were frequent and the danger was real. 

Throughout high school, I was unable to participate in sports because I had work to do. I remember one afternoon I was hounded by the football coach who wanted me to join the team. After school that day, I had a major water problem to repair. Making it to practice was out of the question. Once I had a bear eat an entire case of camouflage spray paint. Weeks later fellow hill folk reported shooting a green faced bear.

Over time, and with practice, I have learned many aspects of the marijuana industry. After cutting my teeth as a guerilla grower I moved on. Seasonal work offers long winter months to recuperate, but down time is lost productivity. I began working indoors both on my own projects and consulting for countless others. Some summers I found part-time work in the construction trade. I learned basic wiring and plumbing skills, that I could then apply to my true passion.

I am no longer a practicing guerrilla grower but look back on those days with fond memories. In truth I miss it. Seventeen years later, here I am, proudly writing for Marijuana Growers Headquaters. I believe that many growers can benefit from my experience and this site is the perfect place in which to share.