The hydroponics and indoor growing industry has matured tremendously over the last decade. Â Incredible innovations have been made, and many new products brought to market. Some products have the potential to change how we grow marijuana. Others are only expensive snake oil. Though much has changed, plants still require the same basic things they did millions of years ago. Until you have mastered these basics, expensive products with pretty labels are likely to do more harm than good.
“How to Supercharge Your Garden†by Graham Reinders, is one of the first books on growing indoors that I actually sat down and read cover to cover.  While that was many years ago–and I have read dozens of books on the subject since–this is still one of my favorites. Though not specific to growing marijuana, this book was published in “Beautiful British Colombia†and all of its content is highly relevant to marijuana. “How to Supercharge Your Garden†takes a direct, easy-to-read approach to getting your grow room running on all 8 cylinders. This is not an A to Z of growing indoors. The content is aimed at taking a basic knowledge of indoor growing and giving you the tools to produce higher yields and higher quality without spending a fortune on magic potions.
“How to Supercharge Your Garden†explains:
- The inner working of plants and plant hormones
- Mothers and cuttings
- Soils and growing mediums
- Nutrients, pH and water
- Lighting in detail and its effects on photosynthesis
- The importance of CO2 and how to use it
- Drip, ebb and flow, nutrient film, and aeroponics
- Ozone air cleaning, water cooled lights, and lots of other must know info
This will not be the only book you will ever need on the subject, but it covers all the major concepts in detail without a lot of fluff.  If you have ever wondered how some growers can pull off two pounds a light, this book will tell you. It provides the keys to maximizing harvest quality and yield. “How to Supercharge Your Garden†has something for everyone. Beginners will find themselves swimming with new ideas, while the pros refresh a few things they may have forgotten years ago. Overall, this is an intermediate book for those with at least a basic understanding of indoor gardening already under the belt. The spiral bound cover and black and white illustrations by Marseene Mainly may not be pro grade for the price; but if you have a budget for books, this one goes in the shopping cart.
How to Supercharge Your Garden,
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